Mary Schnelle – Mercy Hospital Washington

Mary Schnelle – Mercy Hospital Washington

Mary takes such pride in her work and is exceptionally detail oriented. Mary works on the ICU/TCU floor. As you can imagine with COVID, this has been a daunting task, but she has never backed down or away from any of the housekeeping needs of that floor. Instead, she pushed forward and stayed hours after her shift to make sure the needs of those patients on that floor were met. During a time of heightened COVID and fear in some staff members, she stepped up to encourage her peers. She shared with them, “It’s our time to do our part and be the infection preventionists for the hospital and the patients which we serve.”

During her work in the ICU/TCU and COVID, Mary took it upon herself to do more than just cleaning of these rooms. Between daily cleans and terminal cleans this meant repetitive work, but she did it day in and day out. For every patient that had COVID, family members were not allowed in the rooms and would sit outside the glass doors. This was troubling for many to see, but Mary trudged through to be an advocate for these patients when their loved ones could not. Especially when many were lying prone and/or on ventilators. Mary chose to make a difference for these patients, so Mary would speak to them while she cleaned.